We are die heart fans of various different celebrities that act in movies with all the glamour and charm; we adore the hoardings and posters. We often get highly inspired by them when it comes to getting dressed up like them or talking and behaving like them specially after have seen some movie in which […]

The Outrageous and Unjustified Car Prices in Pakistan -Part 3 Last time, we talked about how outrageously the Suzuki Mehran was priced with Pak-Suzuki making at least Rs.200, 000 in unjustified profits on each model as compared to the model offered by Maruti Suzuki in India. While the Cultus is not offered in India and […]

Reviving Motivation Have you ever felt that your motivation is fading out? Or do you feel at the instant that it’s gone entirely? Do you speculate how you’ll ever get it back? Time and again it happens that a lot of people find their enthusiasm falling or diminishing on the whole. When this happens, you […]
Dec 1 2011 | Posted in
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Sitting at the roof top at a night when the mood is half and the stars glow in the background making it seem as if we are dreaming…life at time seems like a dream and dreams are a part of your reality. However, it is unsure your dream would come true in while you are […]
Nov 30 2011 | Posted in
Editorial |
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It is November 29, 2011 and even if you take bath in the morning before going to the office, school, and university or where ever, the only thing that you will need to put on is a reasonably warm sweater actually nothing that will make you go out of your way. This time when the […]

Movies based on novels use to be made once the novels grew really famous, earned billions, got translated into various other languages, got awards and there were more indicators that to quite an extent assured the success of movies. Nowadays however this is all based commercially only, the release of movies is announced easily a […]

Complimenting someone for anything these days turn out to be an agonizing experience for some reason, not with everyone of course but definitely with the majority. I am a girl myself but I would admit that it is far more prevalent in girls than it is in guys. You tell them that the dress suits […]

“I didn’t get time…………..”, “I don’t have time…………”, “I’ll come late……”, “Don’t wait for me at dinner……..”. Do you ever realize that how often we use these phrases throughout the day? Is it that we really do not have time anymore, to an extent that we even cannot manage one meal at home? And just […]

Here comes another blunder…the Twilight Saga continued with its latest movies release, Breaking Dawn. Well yet another crappy version of the good old first part of the trilogy. There is this great problem with the movie. Well not just one, there are many but there are some that undoubtedly do not make sense. The first […]

Dan Brown has written numerous famous novel but the one that got him famous as never before was the one that came out in 2003 The Da Vinci Code which is completely based on a treasure hunt that is to be sorted out within tweny four hours, feature the recurring themes of cryptography, keys, symbols, […]

Back in the 90’s, when I was young and energetic and not so charming, although I’m not sure I am now or not, I had this thought every now and then it would be much better to live your own life, earn and spend my own money on myself on may be on friends or […]

It has not been once that I have been out with friends and we have seen teenagers, obviously being younger than us, ordering insanity and then paying like a retard for it, yes I am talking about sheesha. If I am not miserably wrong then these groups and crowds cannot be elder than A Levels’ […]