A smoke-filled dark room with loud music and comfortable couches occupied by a group of crazy teenagers passing a Sheesha round a table is a very common sight at any restaurant in Islamabad these days. Hookah or Sheesha-smoking has become a very popular trend in Pakistan. Many restaurants and cafes are offering Sheesha in Karachi, […]

Throughout our life we are told that the male gender is strong and can hold on and cope up sensibly to issues that women often face failure handling. They play a protective role through each phase of life as bother when we are young, as father when we need anything fathers are most often called […]

There was a time when the political processions and gatherings were held keeping some high profile cause and agenda in mind, they were considered as pioneer events and were respected, rarely ever negatively criticized. As this government has broken numerous records, it did not even stay behind in making the political gatherings and processions an […]

Since the time history was preserved on pieces of paper, war has been a certain chapter of it that never has an end. The centuries old history of Muslims fighting to protect their values and Brit and Americans fighting their war for control has filled up thousands of libraries regarding historic wars. However, as the […]

Capturing the Punjabi imagination: drones and “the noble savage” Pakistani novelist Mohsin Hamid may have captured something rather interesting in his short story published this month by The Guardian. And it is not as obvious as it looks. In “Terminator: Attack of the Drone”, Hamid imagines life in Pakistan’s tribal areas bordering Afghanistan under constant attack […]

In Pakistan, tea is more of a greeting. Guests get tea as a compulsory, rather tea is the first thing served and snacks are by the side. However, typical tea slowly being replaces by green tea and other flavours of herbal tea. Yet, people who are addicts stick on the same plain Lipton tea. Researchers […]

And yet, Khan is no fundamentalist. The idealized Islamic state he says he would build in Pakistan would focus on justice, fairness and equality for all its citizens before the law. It would, above all, be "humane." Khan often veers between shrewd political calculations — "as a political party, you can’t rule out alliances" — […]

(Reuters) – The road to Imran Khan’s palatial spread in the hills above Pakistan’s capital is a perfect metaphor for his vision of his political career: twisty and pot-holed, but ending in a grand estate. Alone in the beginning but now surrounded by smaller buildings, the house itself is cool and pleasant, with Mughal-era swords […]

Daily newspaper skimming revealed that Thursday, November 17, was observed by the American Cancer Society to encourage quitting smoking, which is otherwise spreading around the world like a fire in the jungle. In the fire-struck jungle, Pakistan is narrating the story with an interesting twist, because here cigarettes are gaining popularity amongst masses at rates […]

A Desperate Attempt With the administrative situation worsening out in Pakistan, our leaders, some of them that is, are trying to save the government by all means. Yes! This might include help from outside sources. Considering that Pakistan’s current administration is in hands of the American government, rather puppets, a recent development opened up a […]

‘Thanks’, ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ are perhaps the shortest words or phrase that are used for expressing very deep emotions, feelings and being polite with the rest. When and why are these used is something that we are taught at a very young age but forgetful creatures that we are, we tend to forget these […]

From operations like the 1948 War of Independence to the Suez Crisis, from its great victory in Six Day War in 1967, to legendary action in Sinai during the Yom Kippur War, the Israelis have proved that they are the best at their job. The country has shown time and again that it is capable […]