A ‘husband’ chops off the nose and lips and a father chains the daughter to the roof top Time and again we get to hear news about men manipulating women. Blaming only husbands for such mishaps is no longer justified as now even blood relations like father and uncles are up to it. It was […]
Oct 27 2011 | Posted in
Opinion |
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Why NATO attacked Libya? Exposing the treachery of the West Libya has been bombed by NATO over the weeks as general public comes to terms with the reasons outlined for the attack. Justifications ranging from right of free speech, sovereignty of democracy and safeguarding the masses from oppression of the tyrant ruler have been given […]

In the world of today, where learning is the only way to success, is seldom found easily. Parents of our generation send their little ones to schools, colleges and universities to get the best degree and become what they have dreamt for their children to be. Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan is occupied by an […]

DECEPTIVE MARKETING in Telecom Sector There is intense competition in our telecom sector and while companies fight for market share, it is the customer that is made to suffer through deceptive techniques. Ufone’s UWon Package, Zong’s 50 paisa call, Mobilink’s JazzOne package, Telenor’s 7 hours in 7 Rupees and Warid’s 60 paisa call on all […]

DECEPTIVE MARKETING in Food Industry There was once a man who was involved in trading from a very early age and had a reputation of hardworking, honest and truthful businessman. A wealthy businesswoman heard about him and hired him. Soon she was impressed with his work and personality and they both got married. They worked together […]

Unscathed or impervious by this wrath of load shedding, the people of this country are surely fed up now. Alongside, continued power outages and then blabbering of current administration that this condition is out of their hands left you wonder what’s wrong with this state. Recently our ‘Load Shedding’ minister proclaimed that this nightmare has […]

Reforming Pakistan’s Traffic Problems: Enforcing Laws There is a popular saying that in order to check a nation, observe the situation of their roads and by looking at Pakistan’s traffic, it is hard to say that we are a civilised nation living in the 21st century. I do not think that anyone would disagree with the […]

The real story behind Libyan War With all the bloodshed been done in Libya and the dictator being killed in the civil war, there is still a question unanswered. As per the Russian president, why was Libya bombed without any reason? Who gave the right to American to judge the protection of Libyan people when […]

The Libyan Revolution – Foreign Funded or a Genuine Uprising? During the past few years, we have witnessed a number of events take place pertaining to revolutions and uprising against governments in many countries especially the Arab world. Most recently, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was overthrown by a rebel organization that bred internally and […]

Back in the 1990’s, when Pakistan was somewhat a stable state, there aired the first media coverage of an Egyptian driving an explosive-laden car into the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, 1995. The second suicide attack was carried by a local who attacked the French engineers outside of Karachi’s Hotel Sheraton, 2002. Initiating the chain of […]

Dam Fool Finally after years of delay Pakistan People’s Party was able to laid the foundation of the much awaited power project Diamar Bhasha Dam. This was not the first time when Diamar Bhasha Dam received an opening ceremony, as earlier former President of Pakistan (Rtd.) General Pervez Musharaf laid the stone in the last […]
Oct 19 2011 | Posted in
Pakistan |
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Reforming the system of Judicial Appointments in Pakistan Lately, Pakistan’s justice system has suffered due to the low number of judges sitting in the High Courts and Supreme Court. The dispensing of justice to the public has slowed down due to the lack of an appropriate number of justices sitting in these honourable courts. The […]