With the assistance of his brother, a man murdered his five months pregnant wife for ‘honor’, accusing her of infidelity, according to local police on Saturday. A resident of Dandai area of Besham Tehsil of Shangla district, Minat Sajida was shot dead after she was accused by her husband of having extra-marital relations, based on […]
Jul 23 2016 | Posted in
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On Wednesday, the 45-year old legendary qawwal Amjad Sabri was gunned down in Karachi, as he was on his way to a studio for Ramazan transmission. The assassination, which took place just two days after the son of a top provincial judge was kidnapped by unknown men, was met with national condemnation and shock. Prime Minister […]
Jun 27 2016 | Posted in
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In a fight that escalated on Monday over a cellphone charger, a man poured acid on his younger brother. Garth police station officer, Sarfraz Ahmad stated that Shafaqat Ali had thrown acid on his younger brother, Sharafat Ali during an argument as to who would use the cellphone charger first. The victim, Sharafat suffered from […]
Jun 21 2016 | Posted in
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A Lahore-based university has banned male and female students sitting together as a ‘couple’, believing that it goes against ‘cultural and religious’ norms. However, students are allowed to sit in a group of three or more. A notice publicized on May 4th, at the University of Sargodha, Lahore (UoSL) campus disallows ‘inappropriate interaction between male and […]

Interior Minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, on Saturday, told delegates at the General Assembly meeting that Pakistan is doing all it can to fortify its institutional framework and perform more in order to prevent the most serious effects of climate change. After the signing of the Paris climate agreement at the UN General Assembly, Khan […]

A massive volume of drugs has been seized from several parts of the country by the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) and was later destroyed. It apparently took five years to gather. The narcotics were impounded by the ANF between 2011 and December 2015 with raids in various parts of the country. According to documents, hashish and […]
Apr 19 2016 | Posted in
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The Youth Performing Arts Festival which is a result of collaboration between Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop, Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Lahore Arts Council started today, Thursday, in Lahore. The event, which will span four days (November 19, 2015 to November 22 – 2015) will be lit by performances in various disciplines, including music, dance, […]

While the politicians are staging protest rallies outside Parliament House in Islamabad against rigging in elections 2013 and formation of caretaker government, one retired police constable is protesting in a different way. It is reported that retired police constable Ghulam Jafar is offering to sell his children if he did not received justice. Ghulam Jafar […]

The stage is said and the reports are confirmed, the government does not want Imran Khan to carry out the long march on 14th of August and for that reason they have deployed containers all around the capital city so people cannot enter Islamabad. Reports suggest that the government has given orders to the […]

While Imran Khan is preparing for his long awaited Azadi March, Dr Tahir Ul Qadri has been added into the picture as well. Both the parties are now willing to throw the current government down, claiming that the current government has made absurd decisions throughout the past 1 year. Imran Khan is willing to walk […]

The Investigation Commission recently found out the real reason behind the Sea View incident which took place recently. 39 people have been reported dead so far as the Sea View managing authority is still trying to recover bodies. The first thing which the Investigation Commission found out was the fact that Section 144 was not […]

In a recently incident which have taken place in Faisalabad, 7 people were found dead under the rubble as roof of a house collapsed. Amongst these 7 people, there were 4 children and their mother. The house belonged to Idrees and the incident took place early in the morning while most of the people are […]