Posts tagged as: Afghanistan

US Senators urge Obama administration for release funds to Pakistan

US Senators have urged Obama administration to release funds to Pakistan that have been held up for months after Islamabad resumed land routes for NATO forces battling in Afghanistan. The situation has become much comfortable after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had given expression of apology to Islamabad over the Salala check-post attack that […]

Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf vows to defend national integrity

Rejecting the impression of confrontation among institutions, Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on Monday vowed to defend the national integrity as well as respect of the parliament. After passage of Contempt of Court Bill, the premier addressed the National Assembly, the Lower House of the Parliament. He observed, “The government is fully aware of national […]

Islamabad sees protest against NATO supply routes

Islamabad sees protest against NATO supply routes The capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, saw a protest take place on Monday, 9 July, 2012 against the decision of the government ruled by the Pakistan People’s Party to re-open the supply routes for NATO forces situated in Afghanistan. The protest was carried out mainly by the religious opposition […]

Resumption of NATO supply in interests of Islamabad, Kabul: Hina Rabbani Khar

Terming the resumption of NATO supply-line not only in the interest of Islamabad but also Kabul, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said that the stability in the region was interlinked. While interviewing, she was of the opinion that peaceful Afghanistan was in the interest of the country. She observed, “The fundamental cause leading to difficulties […]

US drone attacks kill 21 in North Waziristan Agency

At least 21 people have been killed in a triple US drone strike on a compound in North Waziristan Agency on late Friday, the northwest region of the country bordering with Afghanistan. According to the officials, three unmanned US planes hurled a total of six missiles on Datta Khel village, the main town of the […]

Sherry Rehman sees long road ahead in US-Pak ties

After the spiny issue of NATO supply routes has now been resolved, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Sherry Rehman is quite optimistic about the bilateral ties between Washington and Islamabad. In her view, the two ally countries are looking forward to resume  broader talks on security cooperation, militant threats and other issues of common […]

Resumption of NATO supplies on Independence Day

Some analysts rightly interpreted Pakistan’s decision to resume NATO supply-line as its gift to the United States on its Independence Day. Islamabad not only restored the supply-line but also granted some crucial concessions to the US on the eve of American National Day. Interestingly, Islamabad has decided not to impose any extra transit fee on […]

First shipment of NATO containers crosses into Afghanistan

After a seven-month of blockage, a couple of NATO trucks carrying supplies for allied forces crossed into Afghanistan on Thursday. On Wednesday, Islamabad allowed western countries to use its land route to supply troops battling in Afghanistan after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said sorry over the losses Pakistan army suffered in the NATO […]

Sherry Rehman denies any secret deal with the United States

Quashing rumors of a secret deal between Pakistan and the United States over resumption of NATO supply-line, Sherry Rehman termed it an important milestone in bilateral ties of the two allies. Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States (US) Sherry Rehman said this while speaking to the media a day after Islamabad resumed land route for […]

Taliban threaten to attack NATO containers

Hours after the announcement of resumption of NATO supplies, the Pakistani Taliban issued threat to attack NATO containers and kill its drivers if they attempted to reopen the supply-line. A media report quoting Ehsanullah Ehsan, the spokesperson of the Taliban, said, “We Will not allow any truck to pass and will attack it,” hours after […]

NATO welcomes Pakistan’s decision to reopen supplies

Welcoming Pakistan’s announcement for resumption of the Ground Lines of Communication (GLOC) to Afghanistan, NATO Secretary General Andres Fogh Rasmussen said it will enhance cooperation among the allied countries. He observed, “The resumption of transit arrangements for ISAF supplies through Pakistan demonstrates strengthened cooperation between ISAF nations and our partner Pakistan”. Commending the participation of […]

Qamar Zaman Kaira confirms resumption of NATO supplies

Federal Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira has confirmed the resumption of NATO supply line which has been blocked since November 2011. Briefing the media late on Tuesday, he observed, “The meeting of Defence Committee of the Cabinet (DCC) has decided to reopen the NATO supplies”. Pakistan official announced the decision to restore the supply line […]


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