Posts tagged as: Afghanistan

Sherry Rehman formally takes charge as Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States of America

Sherry Rehman formally takes charge as Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States of America On Wednesday, January 18, 2012 Pakistan’s new ambassador to the United States of American (USA) after she presented her credentials to the American president Barack Obama at Oval Office in the White House. Pakistan replaced Hussain Haqqani after the former ambassador […]

Pakistan asks for delay in US visit

Pakistan asks for delay in US visit Pakistan has recently rejected a request made by the United States to visit the country. The reason of the visit was to discuss issues related to Afghanistan. The news of the rejection of the US request by Pakistan was revealed by the spokesman of the U.S. State Department, […]

US sought permission from Pakistan for the January Drone strike in North Waziristan

US sought permission from Pakistan for the January Drone strike in North Waziristan US officials while giving an interview to an American newspaper “The Washington Post” have admitted the CIA sought permission from Pakistan to carry out a drone strike against a terrorist hideout deep inside Waziristan, but the request was turned down by Islamabad […]

US should not attempt to negotiate with Taliban, says Mitt Romney

US should not attempt to negotiate with Taliban, says Mitt Romney Former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney has stated that the United States should not attempt to negotiate with the Taliban. Romney, who is US Republican Presidential favourite has also criticised Obama management for trying to initiate covert talks with Afghan rebellions. “The right course for […]

Time to devise new terms of engagement with United States

Time to devise new terms of engagement with United States To revise ties with the United States, the Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) proposed a set of recommendations to parliament. As many as 35 recommendations have been finalized after numerous sittings by the parliamentary body. The body was asked to prepare a set of […]

South Asian region needs to create more jobs per year to boost income at corporate level – Part 1

Corporate sector is the main source of income for any country and South Asian sector is not an exception. However, in the past one decade or so, this sector has incurred severe damages because of the negligence from their national governments and the worst case is Pakistan. World Bank’s chief economist for South Asia region […]

South Asian region needs to create more jobs per year to boost income at corporate level – Part 2

The audience however, raised the objection on Ms. Kochhar’s manifesto of “moving away from protecting jobs to protecting workers”. The audience objected that the World Bank should refrain from the propagation of the dogma that labour laws are restricting job creations. The protection of the labour at work and off the pitch is a mandatory […]

Humanitarian Assistance (Part 2)

All the same, economic aspect of humanitarian aid plays a vitally important role in shaping the course of conflict. Aid can also provide a stimulus for the continuation of conflict, for example, by paying relatively high wages to local people employed by international aid agencies. Imported food aid can undermine the local economy and make […]

Humanitarian Assistance

Humanitarian Assistance Previously, this author had dwelled on Post-conflict Peacebuilding which – arguably, has drawn little attention in the country. But as Pakistan has witnessed a number of conflicts since its inception, especially after the commencement of war in Afghanistan (so-called War on Terror) in 2001, a number of conflicts have also popped up in […]

Parliamentary body to finalize recommendations on ties with US

Parliamentary body to finalize recommendations on ties with US The Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) indicated that it would finalize proposals for the new terms of engagements with the United States (US) on Wednesday. A meeting of the PCNS was held Tuesday in the Parliament House under the chair of Senator Raza Rabbani.  Minister […]

Post-conflict Peacebuilding (part-2)

The first part of the article briefly took to account the complexities the process of post-conflict peacebuilding involves. While there is an array or problems invariably influencing the peacebuilding process, the most important of all is the relevant organizations’ ability to effectively discharge their responsibility. Their failure may result in the essentially undesirable result of […]

Ten dead bodies of FC personnel recovered from Upper Orakzai

Ten dead bodies of FC personnel recovered from Upper Orakzai On Monday, the bodies of ten Frontier Constabulary (FC) men were recovered after they went missing during their clash with insurgents on December 22. Since then the whereabouts of the personnel were unknown and the military was conducting a search operation for them. A sources […]


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