Posts tagged as: Afghanistan

Barak Obama’s Demilitarisation stance and US Economy

After pursuing an offensive foreign policy for at least four years, the American President, Barak Obama, seems to have read the ground realities well towards the end of his tenure. His recent stance to pull out troops from Iraq and Afghanistan is evident of the fact that he wants to market America as a peace […]

Parliamentary Committee’s recommendations may too hot

Parliamentary Committee’s recommendations may too hot The government will have to take hard and bold decisions if it follows the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) with regard to Pakistan’s relations with the U.S. and NATO in terms of war on terror. Reports say that the recommendations finalised by the committee would […]

Senate body for dialogue with Taliban

Senate body for dialogue with Taliban The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs urged the government to hold dialogues with the Taliban, terming it only solution to bring back the peace in the region. “Why not we go for dialogue (with Taliban) if Americans opt to go the same way after war of ten years,” […]

Taliban release 17 Pakistani boys after months of captivity

Taliban release 17 Pakistani boys after months of captivity Pakistani Taliban on Thursday released 17 people after over three months of captivity who mistakenly crossed the border from the country’s lawless northwest into Afghanistan, officials said. More than 30 young people aged between 20 and 30 were kidnapped from Pakistan’s Bajaur tribal region during celebrations […]

Parliamentary Committee asks to public US, NATO accords

Parliamentary Committee asks to public US, NATO accords The Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) has finalised its recommendations to fix the terms of relations with the U.S. and NATO in connection with the war on terror. On the other hand, the Foreign Office showed its unawareness about DG Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt. Gen. Ahmed […]

Pakistan Security Forces kill 10 Militants in Kurram Agency

Pakistan Security Forces kill 10 Militants in Kurram Agency Security forces killed 10 militants and injured five others during an operation in the central Kurram Agency on Wednesday, said sources. Gunship helicopters pounded militant hideouts in the Jogi area of central Kurram destroying four militant hideouts. According to sources, the house of Haji Muhammad Saleem, […]

Afghan Taliban seek support of Pakistani Taliban to counter US forces

Afghan Taliban seek support of Pakistani Taliban to counter US forces Pakistani and Afghan Taliban have reportedly sworn to concentrate on fighting against the US/NATO forces, battling in Afghanistan, which is a major move on the on war on terrorism front. A story published in a newspaper explained that Taliban inside the duo countries reached […]

Parliamentary Committee on National Security divided over terms of engagement with US

Parliamentary Committee on National Security divided over terms of engagement with US Differences appeared to have emerged in the Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) as various political parties Tuesday looked divided over the country’s role and association with the US in terms of war on terrorism. “Jamat-e-Islamai (JI) and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) have recommended that Pakistan […]

US wants relations with Pakistan back on the right track

US wants relations with Pakistan back on the right track The US State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, on Tuesday said that following the passage of the defence authorisation act, the United States would now have to certify that cooperation is going well in order to release military funds. “It’s essentially a continuation of some of […]

Pakistani militants and Taliban join forces against NATO

Pakistani militants and Taliban join forces against NATO Pakistani militants pledged Sunday to cease their four-year insurgency against Pakistani security forces and join the Taliban’s war against NATO troops in Afghanistan. The agreement reunited four major Pakistan-based militant factions under the flag of Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban chief, an announcement by the militants said. […]

NATO seeks normal relations with Pakistan

NATO seeks normal relations with Pakistan Nato wants to get relations with Pakistan back on track “as quickly as possible” to reopen its key supply route for foreign troops fighting in Afghanistan, a coalition spokesman said Monday. Pakistan closed Nato supply route to Afghanistan in November, choking supply line for the 130,000-strong US-led force, following […]

India not ready to remove heavy guns from the Line of Control (LOC)

India not ready to remove heavy guns from the Line of Control (LOC) India has rejected Pakistan’s proposal to move heavy artillery and mortars away from the Line of Control, citing frequent ceasefire violations, Indian newspaper The Economic Times has reported. India has also asked Islamabad to come clear on its nuclear policy, including command […]


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