It is unusual for the chief spying agency recognize errors. But in the United States, separation of powers and the persistent surveillance of the executive by the legislature, any evidence of espionage legislators by the agents, as happened a few months ago, is likely to cause a constitutional crisis. After months of dispute with the […]
Aug 2 2014 | Posted in
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The arrest of at least one American agent infiltrated the secret services in Germany, one of the closest allies of the United States, hinders the relationship between the two countries and reveals ignorance, by President Barack Obama, the actions of their own spies. When Obama spoke by telephone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday […]
Jul 11 2014 | Posted in
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An American spy aircraft on Sunday fired missiles into a Pakistan’s tribal region and killed at least four people, security officials said. The unmanned drone fired two missiles on a house near Miranshah, headquarters of North Waziristan tribal region. Identities of the killed are not immediately known. Tribesmen said that the house […]

Pakistan plans to raise the issue of American drone attacks in the country’s tribal regions at the United Nations, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday. The U.S. spy aircraft routinely fire missiles into Waziristan tribal region which Pakistan says kill innocent people and that the attacks are against sovereignty of the country. The U.S. has refused […]

Pakistan on Tuesday rejected fears over the security of its nuclear programme following American media reports that the United States has intensified surveillance of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and tries to evaluate the loyalty of Pakistani counter terrorism agents recruited by the CIA. “Washington Post” reports that the documents available with the paper reveal broad new […]

Officials in Peshawar Thursday cancelled the 33-year sentence to a Pakistani doctor for “helping” the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in hunting down Osama bin Laden, and ordered his retrial, officials and lawyers said. Dr. Shakil Afridi, who was accused of organizing a fake vaccination campaign to get DNA samples of the children of the slain […]

American drones will haunt Pakistan as the new leadership has also failed to come up with a strong approach in recent talks with the US Secretary of State, John Kerry. The Foreign Ministry issues routine statements to condemn the American attacks in the tribal regions and some time summon the US envoy to lodge a […]
Aug 5 2013 | Posted in
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Pakistan on Monday strongly condemned the latest U.S. drone strike in North Waziristan tribal region, which killed at least six people. The American spy aircraft fired missiles on a compound of suspected militants in the Shawal area of North Waziristan, one of Pakistan’s seven tribal regions, late Sunday. “These unilateral strikes are a violation of […]

U.S. officials have stressed that the CIA is expected to maintain a significant footprint even after the pullback from Afghanistan, with a station in Kabul that will remain among the agency’s largest in the world, as well as a fleet of armed drones that will continue to patrol Pakistan’s tribal belt, The Washington Post reported […]

A secret document obtained by the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism reveals for the first time the Pakistan government’s internal assessment of dozens of drone strikes, and shows scores of civilian casualties. The United States has consistently claimed only a tiny number of non-combatants have been killed in drone attacks in Pakistan – despite research […]

Pakistan on Sunday rejected U.S. media reports that the country has struck a deal with the CIA over a secret drone campaign in the tribal regions. The New York Times has reported that Pakistan and the United States had signed the deal in 2004 and a U.S. spy aircraft, in its first strike had […]

Pakistan considers Dr Shakil Afridi as a traitor for helping the infamous American CIA, the U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has tabled a resolution in the House of Representatives seeking support to declare Afridi as a hero for serving American interests. Dr Afridi had been working with the US Central Intelligence Agency for years before […]