Posts tagged as: Mark Zucherberg

Facebook extending its operations in New York

Launched from his Harvard University dormitory room, Mark Zucherberg in his wildest dreams would not have thought, his brainchild “Facebook” will go on to dominate internet world in coming years and make him the youngest billionaire in the history. Started off just as “Harvard Thing”, Zucherberg first extended it to other prominent universities in U.S […]

One of the four creators of social networking security software "Diaspora" commits suicide

Four students from New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Dan Grippi, Maxwell Salzberg, Raphael Sofaer and Ilya Zhitomirskiy started working on a software last year that would ensure every social network site user full proof security. They used Kickstarter- an online threshold pledge system for funding creative projects to gather enough funds for the developing purpose. The required cost […]


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