The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a 6.7-billion-U.S. dollar loan program for Pakistan to support the country’s economic reform to promote inclusive growth. The three-year loan arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) was authorized by the IMF’s executive board, and the approval enabled an initial disbursement of 540 million dollars, the IMF said […]

Pakistan’s outgoing ambassador to the United States Sherry Rehman has urged the U.S. to end drone strikes in the tribal areas in order to help put the relationship on sustained upward trajectory. Sherry Rehman resigned from her post this week after defeat of her Pakistan Peoples Party in the May 11 election. On […]

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States, Sherry Rehman, has resigned after her Pakistan Peoples Party faced defeat in general elections, the embassy in Washington said Tuesday. Sherry Rehman has sent her resignation to the interim Prime Minister, Mir Hazar Khan Khoso, the embassy spokesman, Nadeem Hutyana said. Sherry, who had served as Information […]

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Sherry Rehman says that Pakistan will not opt for favourits in Afghanistan, saying the immediate impact of 2014 NATO draw-down from Afghanistan is on everyone’s mind in Islamabad. Referring to imminent transitions in Afghanistan in her speech at the Atlantic Council, she said, “there is a bandwidth of […]

Pakistan has reiterated its stand that strikes by U.S. spy aircraft in the country’s tribal regions are violation of international laws, Washington has justified the CIA-controlled operation. The issue of U.S drone strikes in Pakistan has been a major irritant in bilateral relationship for years and the latest different stance shows the problem remains […]

In an effort to repair ties between Washington and Islamabad, Ambassador to the United States Sherry Rehman stated Pakistan’s position on American drone strikes, claiming they are counterproductive and reverse gains made in their relationship. In an opinion piece, the Pakistani envoy said, “In the key battle for “hearts and minds,” the drone campaign […]
Jan 5 2013 | Posted in
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Pakistan has welcomed the nomination of Senator John Kerry as the next U.S. secretary of states at a time when Washington needs Islamabad’s key role for a political way out in Afghanistan. Pakistani ambassador in Washington, Sherry Rehman, called Mr Kerry as a “steadfast” friend of the country, which has suffered a lot since […]

Ahead of intelligence summit between Washington and Islamabad, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Sherry Rehman has called for a halt to drone attacks in tribal belt. Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, the Pakistani envoy said the drone strikes succeeded in damaging Al-Qaeda network but are also forming new terrorists in the region. She […]

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Sherry Rehman has said that Islamabad wasn’t given any go-ahead to the US for launching drone strikes on its territory after the expression of apology uttered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the killing of 24 Pakistani troops. During an interview with CNN, the Pakistani envoy termed the […]

After the spiny issue of NATO supply routes has now been resolved, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Sherry Rehman is quite optimistic about the bilateral ties between Washington and Islamabad. In her view, the two ally countries are looking forward to resume broader talks on security cooperation, militant threats and other issues of common […]

Quashing rumors of a secret deal between Pakistan and the United States over resumption of NATO supply-line, Sherry Rehman termed it an important milestone in bilateral ties of the two allies. Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States (US) Sherry Rehman said this while speaking to the media a day after Islamabad resumed land route for […]
Jul 5 2012 | Posted in
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Sherry Rehman, the Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States (US) called on Senate Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell, discussed host of issues including stalemate in the bilateral ties and detention of Dr Afridi. The representatives of the two countries showed agreement on the significance of overcoming the current deadlock in the bilateral ties urgently and […]