Posts tagged as: Buddhist

Persecution of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar must stop!

The Myanmar Rohingya Muslims are called foreigners, not given citizenship by the government and are branded as Bengalis because they speak a Bengali dialect. They are being killed brutally on daily basis and those who are alive have very limited facilities of education, health care and social activities. The religious violence flared up after the […]

Sectarian violence in Myanmar (Burma) must be stopped!

Myanmar, spread over an area of 2,61,228 sq miles (676578 km), is 24th the most populated country in the world. It has total population of 60.28 million having about 10 per cent Muslims, who migrated to that country mostly during the British period. The present sectarian violence spread over the rape and murder of a […]

Innocent Muslims being killed in Burma; no voice raised by Human Rights Organizations yet!

Muslims all over the world are dying at the hands of their governments, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, when it comes to Burma, the number of people being killed on daily basis is countless yet the human rights organizations around the world have not raised any voice in order to adequately address the outrageous […]

Positive omen for Hindu Community in Pakistan

In what appeared to be a sigh of relief for the minorities, the Supreme Court directed the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) to take the necessary steps to enable married women of the Hindu community to acquire computerized national identity-cards without any holdup. After reports surfaced in the media regarding problems faced by Hindu […]


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