Dubai is known for its exuberance and its ability to go against all odds and achieve titles envied around the world. The words biggest, largest, tallest and most expensive have become synonymous with the emirate and now it is set to add yet another title to its growing collection – that of the World’s Largest […]

According to a senior health official, Pakistan has wasted $3.7 million worth of donated vaccines for children after failing to store them in the prescribed manner. The pentavalent vaccines were to prevent children from succumbing to deadly diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, meningitis and pneumonia. These vaccines require cold temperatures in storage but the […]

It was recently reported from Peshawar that the campaign “Sehat ka Insaf” which was to begin in Peshawar, the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, has been cancelled due to security reasons. Currently the security condition in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region has worsened because of the Pakistan-Taliban relationships. The two parties were expected to be involved […]

Introduction: Asthma is a disorder caused by inflammation in the airways (called bronchi) that lead to the lungs. This inflammation causes airways to tighten and narrow, which blocks air from flowing freely into the lungs, making it hard to breathe. Symptoms include wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and cough, particularly at night or after exercise/activity. The […]
May 30 2013 | Posted in
Health |
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We all know that cigarette smoking is extremely harmful and is proved to be a leading cause in a number of deaths around the globe, each and every year. While the habit may have declined in a number of countries, it still prevails in those nations where literacy is low and cigarettes are widely available […]

Legendary Pakistani singer, Mehdi Hassan, who is often referred to as the King of Ghazal, was released from the hospital last month but just after one day the doctors admitted him back in the hospital due to his health problems. Hassan was previously put on ventilator but now he is not on it anymore. The […]
Jun 12 2012 | Posted in
Music |
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